Crin Antonescu, candidatul coaliției pro-europene la alegerile prezidențiale din 2025, anunță o schimbare importantă în strategia sa de comunicare: va fi activ pe rețelele sociale în timpul campaniei.
The main conceptual idea of the text is Crin Antonescu's decision to actively engage on social media during his presidential campaign.
He recognizes the importance of these platforms for reaching a large audience and considers it disrespectful to ignore them. This shift reflects his understanding of how people communicate in today's world and his commitment to engaging with a broader range of voters, especially younger generations.
Antonescu views his social media presence as a way to foster dialogue and connect with the public in a meaningful way, not just for electoral gain.
The main conceptual idea of the text is Crin Antonescu's decision to actively engage on social media during his presidential campaign. He recognizes the importance of these platforms for reaching a large audience and considers it disrespectful to ignore them. This shift reflects his understanding of how people communicate in today's world and his commitment to engaging with a broader range of voters, especially younger generations. Antonescu views his social media presence as a way to foster dialogue and connect with the public in a meaningful way, not just for electoral gain.